Anyone care to join my pity party? 😉

April • Pediatric/ Family nurse practitioner and mother of 3: Celeste (9), Aniston (5) & Abel (Angel baby 16 weeks).
Hey ladies,
So, I'm super excited and super grateful for my baby and the gift I've been given by being allowed and able to carry him. That being said, man oh man, I'm not feeling so great lately. I feel soooo dog tired but I can't sleep. I feel lightheaded and sometimes it feels like I can't catch my breath. My ribs feel like they're breaking and my ladies parts feel.... I don't know how to describe it.... swollen and generally uncomfortable. It's hard to think we have another 10-12 weeks of this. 
So there. Just needed to vent. I'm super thankful and beyond blessed by my goodness I am so uncomfortable.
Anyone else?!?!Â