Crazy Birth Story!!

I started having lots of lower back and pelvic pain, but assumed it was Braxton Hicks. A few days before I had so much pain I couldn't sleep from about 11pm to 3am, then it was gone! So, I assumed that's what would happen this time!! I took a bath and then went to bed around 11pm. I never slept! The pain was quite a bit, but I counted through it, prayed, and kept calm. I didn't keep track of the contractions because they were all lower pelvic pain and I assumed they'd go away!! I started feeling the urge to push and my body started pushing. I still thought they would go away. Note to FTM'S, don't push at home!!! :) That means it's legit labor!!!! I was waiting for my water to break. I finally pushed and it felt different. I assumed my water started to break and decided that I needed my hubby to come home from work and take me to the hospital. I still wasn't convinced it was labor (although I was past my due date), but knew I needed to get checked!!! I called his work around 3am, he got home around 3:15am. He threw stuff in the car (not nearly everything I had packed because I literally couldn't stand to tell him what to grab!!). Now I know I'm in labor!!! We call both sets of parents on the way to the hospital! We got to the hospital around 3:30am. Then the front entrance was closed due to it being so early in the am!!! So, here I am, water breaking and pushing having to get back into the car and go to the ER entrance!!! Hubby gets me into a wheelchair and parks the car. Meanwhile, the security guard and the ER nurse argue over who can take me up!!!! I'm like, I just need to get up there!!!!! Then I have to sign papers and then they want to weigh me!!! I was like, my water is gushing now, if I stand up, it's not going to be pretty! But the nurse insisted!!! They put me on a bed, check my cervix, and I'm already dilated to 10cm!! So, they transfer me to a delivery bed and prep for delivery! My Dr didn't even make it in time!! About 4 or 5 pushes later and Bella Grace was born at 4:26am!!!! My Dr came in and stitched me up (they had to cut so I didn't tear). That was the worst part!!!! All the numbing shots and stitches! :( But by then, beautiful Bella was laying on my chest! A very welcome distraction!!!! I am so thankful for all the the prayers for a safe and healthy delivery and baby!!! I had Group b strep and no time for antibiotics, so we stayed 48 hours for observation!! Bella passed all of her tests and she's happy and healthy!!! Praise God!!!! :)