how ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“???

Has anyone had a divorce? Lately for the pst 6months ive been feeling unhappy w my husband everything bothers me about him and i try not to show it he knows am unhappy and we've talked about divorce but at the end nothing ever happens and we still act "happy" i know he doesnt want too but i feel lile i o then again am confused someimes i see future w him sometimes i dont! I dont want to live unhappy all my life, i started dating him when i was 13 and ofc on and off and got married at age 18 am 22 now. We decided to get married bc we "loved" each other and i also wanted to help him w his paper which he has now. Idk what to do and am scared to talk about it with anyone else. Someimes i rethink and scared to be alone but idk if its just bc am so used to being with him but the ย again i feel unhappy. HeLP. Plus we have been TTC to see if it helps but i dont want to have a baby and then be unhappy and later on break my family and the baby will suffer.