A New Chapter in TTC While Being 25

Kelsey • Trying for baby #2
I thought I would start a log of this new chapter of my TTC journey. We have been trying for 13 months now. So far we have discovered I have extremely low progesterone through blood testing.  My insurance unfortunately does not cover the cost of infertility. So further purseuing to correct this or do more testing would be out of pocket for us. We all know it is very expensive path! 🙄 I had my doubts about my low progesterone though. Did they test me on the right day? I have very normal regular periods, which does not concide with low progesterone. Until recently I never spotted in between periods. Until last month. Then I was suppose to start my period on the 1st of January. But all pregnancy tests have come back with being BFN. Feeling pretty hopeless. I then wanted to try accupunture, and posted in a local group of where I live for recommendations. I found one that was not only an accupuncture place but a doctor who has an M.N.D. and specializes in natural hoalistic medicines and  specializes in fertility! Also a bonus is that it is just down the road from our house!  It was required that both my hubby and I attend together. Which I thought was very cool. Our doctor sat and talked to us for 1 whole hour, we went over our story. And she provided so much info and insight on what could be going on. She wasn't in a rush to talk with us either, which I have had happen numerous times in the past. We then both did 45 minute accupuncture sessions. She gave me a bottle of vitex that is 750 mg and also contains 100 mg essential oil of vitex. I am to take 1 a day first thing in the morning and see her again in two weeks. She described Vitex similar to Clomid, but obvisously herbal version. She suspects I am not ovulating at this time. Also, we are to have my hubby do a semen analysis to see if there is anything else working against us. I am finally hopefully for this next chapter. When we walked into her office there were countless baby photos of families who have sent them to her. I just feel it in my heart I was meant to meet this doctor and have her help us. I will be posting regular updates on any progress! I am not one to ask for prayers, but any prayers and thoughts for our journey to conceiving and birthing a healthy baby would mean the world to us!