January 13 th 2017 Today I changed the life of a couple

January 13 th 2017 
Today I changed the life of a couple ...
I came in for an ultrasound and a non stress test as what I though was braxton hicks was really contractions...
The dr took me to a back room and checked me I was 2 cms and handling
The contractions like a champ and very quietly....
They kept me and put me on the monitor to keep track of contractions as they got really close together they checked me again and I was now 4
Cm in less then 2 hours ....
So then I told my intended mother to head this way... They had been awaiting this call .... and she left to be here ..
They then with in less the 15 mins had me hooked to an iv and brought me into the operating room ... my mom was here to keep me company thank god ... when brought into the room I broke down and the nurse said " I thought u were just a little to calm and to let it all out" 
The epidural when they put it in put so much pressure on my hips and hurt pretty bad .... 
They then laid me down and prepped me and let my mom in ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM. and delivered two healthy babies 
Baby A was breech so c section was inevitable they pulled him out and he was born at 5:17 pm weighting 5 lbs 12 oz and then baby B was born 5:19 pm weighing 5 lbs 9 oz 
Both healthy and beautiful and couldn't be any cuter .... 
Funny enough last month I said wat h me land on my moms bday Jan 13 th and well I was right this whole time little did I know when I said it that or would be Friday the 13 th ... 
Both babies are doing great and I am now thawed and in pain but needed to put the birth story out there ...
That I did something magical ... I made a family for someone else ... I have never been more proud of myself then I am right now.... I have made extended family with this family.....
I love u. ❤️ and these two precious babies .
 Pic 1 Lia baby B
Pic 2 Leo baby a
Ps after writing this I got to give
Their babies to them I got to gift them their babies just how I wanted to sealed the babies with a kiss when I was handing them to their mommy and daddy and the emotion was intense
When seeing their first reactions ...
Was a beautiful site :)❤️❤️❤️