Big (and scary) life changes...

Recently, I struggled with whether or not I should continue with college. I'm happily marrried to my best friend and have a sweet baby girl on the way. My husband has an insanely stable job and brings home the money (computer engineer for the Air Force, he's civil service though.) He is 25 with a dual bachelors degree and a masters degree from UF. He's so intelligent, yet he still thinks I'm so smart. I did really well in high school and loved going to college. I went to a college out of my state where I joined a sorority and made great friends, but something told me to go home and continue college at a local university, so I did. I believed it was Gods way of saying "hey, I know this is scary but I want you to go home." God had something better planned for me and 7 months later I met my best friend, who is now my husband. We got married when I was 20 and one month later (after being told I had fertility issues) we conceived a little girl and now I'm 25 weeks pregnant. I continued with college and changed my major to something fully online. But my heart didn't feel satisfied still. So I spoke to my husband and I was concerned he'd want me to continue college. His response? "Isn't your dream to be a stay at home wife/mom? I chose my major and career because I knew that before we even met that I was going to be able to provide for my future wife in a way that could give her the opportunity to do WHATEVER she wanted. I don't care what you do. I'll only be upset if you're not doing what you want to do." I dropped all my classes and became a full on housewife, getting ready for our sweet baby to come. He came home from work one day and looked at the house that I freshly cleaned and gave me the biggest hug. He asked if I was happy and I replied with "YES." For the first time in a long time I felt worthy and happy because I was finally doing the thing that made me happy. So girls (or guys), find a SO that is supportive of whatever you do. If you wanna be a surgeon, do the damn thing! Or if you wanna be a stay at home wife/mom, then crush it! But whatever you do, be HAPPY. I think we forget that we are not immortal, so live happily ever after. Because you are so worth it. 
(Sorry for the long post, but I sincerely hope this helps at least one person.)