Triplet Pregnancy


I found out I was pregnant on May 3, 2016 (1st pregnancy at age 20). I went to my first OB and U/S appointment on May 31, 2016. That is when I found out I was pregnant with identical triplets (a 1 in 200 million pregnancies). I got the good news first but then I heard the U/S Tech say “I'm sorry but I cannot find a heartbeat on any of them.” I broke down in tears where I knew everyone in the waiting room heard me. My boyfriend (father of the babies') also broke down with tears filling up his eyes as I looked at him with tears rolling down my face and then I couldn't breathe. My heart sank out of my chest laying there looking at the screen. The technician decided to leave us be for a few minutes to let it sink in a little before she came back in to talk about what our next steps were going to be. I found out I was 10w5d but two passed around 7w and the third around 8w. I had my D&C on June 13, 2016 after my body decided to start to pass them on its own (2 days before scheduled D&C). They didn't want me to pass them on my own because I could have had severe hemorrhaging and/or an infection. Now I have three angels watching over me and their daddy and I get signs from all of them almost everyday. Almost 7 months later and I just found out I was pregnant (2nd pregnancy) on Jan 3, 2017 (8 months to the day from the first time I found out I was pregnant). Going in for my first apt/ultrasound (Feb 7) the day after my 21st birthday. By the first day of my last period, it's saying I am 6w3d today with my rainbow but I will find out for sure on the 7th. 💔💙💓💙💓💙💓

P.S. My mom and I are thinking it's twins because of how high my HCG levels are and how high they are rising in such very little time. ❤