My birth story

Lauren • Mommy of two 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💍❤
Hello everyone, I'm posting this super late.. almost 6 months after giving birth but here it goes. So July 21st was my last prenatal appointment and I was already having mild contractions and 1 cm dilated. I left my appointment around 4 pm and at 8 pm I couldn't handle the pain as it got worse and decided to go to the hospital. They checked me, which was painful as I was tensing up and it felt like something was ripping my lady parts. Well I was only 2 cm so they told me to go home around 10 pm. I came home, got into bed and labored as much as I could on my own. Contractions were getting worse and worse and closer apart so around 3 am i decided to go to the hospital again in hopes that they wouldn't send me home again. They checked me and I was only 4 cm but they decided to keep me. Shortly after that around 6 am I got the epidural. Everything went smoothly after that and I finally felt relaxed and excited that baby was coming. My boyfriend and I decided to take a nap in my hospital room so we did, but not for long as the nurses were coming in and out every so often. Around 1 pm i started to feel contractions again and all of my family was in the room. They were all talking and chit chatting as if there was no woman in labor laying next to them. Anyways, around 4 pm the contractions started to get worse and i was about 5 cm. Nurses came running in and said my baby's heart rate was dropping so they made me put on an oxygen mask. They had to give me another epidural because the needle slipped out from the last one due to me moving around so much. I then again felt relaxed and threw up! I remember the anesthesiologist telling me all the side effects of the epidural but I didn't think i would experience any of it. I started to get hungry but only got to eat ice chips. The new shift nurses and midwife came in to introduce themselves and said to let them know if I needed anything. Around 8 pm i started to feel baby go lower and lower and around 9 I told my boyfriend I felt like i needed to poop so he ran to tell the nurses. They came and checked me and sure enough I was finally 10 cm after over 20 hours of labor. The nurse prepped everything and guided me through most of my delivery before the midwife came in. I pushed for 20 minutes and on July 22nd my beautiful baby girl was born. I had a minor tear and they had to sew me up. All the pain was so worth it to finally meet my beautiful baby Laila!😍😊❤