waiting game

At the hospital got my first method to start my contractions, called cytotec. Worked right away had cramping and back pain. Wasn't extreme though. Then got checked 3 and 1/2 hours later and I went from a fingertip and 50% effaced, 1cm and 50% effaced. So really no changes. Then I got my cervidil after I got checked. Two hours later I was 2cm and 80% effaced. Two hours after my check I got pain meds cause i was in horrible pain and wanted to sleep. It's now almost 6am, still groggy but haven't been checked yet. I have a feeling I'll be going home without a baby. 😭💔 then I'll come back Thursday to get pitocin. If I haven't had him by then. My contractions have stayed at 1-2 minutes apart and lasting a minute. But let's hope my cervix has reach 4cm. Pleeeaaassseeee God please 😩