where is my ⭕️?

Caitlyn • Seven angel babies 👼 Two Miracles and #3 on the way! 💙💙💛
Okay ladies so I do ovulate without clomid but clomid is my first step in my "unexplained fertility" 
I used to use wondfo ovulation tests but they drove me crazy not knowing so I switched to the clear blue digital to take the guessing work out of everything. 
I pay very close attention to my body and then I test when I'm getting the right signs with my cp and cm. Since I wasn't sure what to expect with clomid I started testing cd9 yesterday on cd 11 the line seemed darker on the wondfo test so I decided to try the clearblue and it was a flashing smiley! So high LH but not my peak day. Over the course of yesterday and this morning I've checked my cervix and it does not seem to be that I am ovulating.. I had already chalked up the lack of cm to clomid and decided to use mucinex and preseed.. but I just don't understand this is very abnormal and now I feel like I must not be ⭕️ing at all! 
Any opinions? Greatly appreciated! ❤
Also I wish I would have been keeping a bbt chart this cycle but it's kind of too late now.