I was getting tired of being pregnant, nearly two weeks overdue

I was getting tired of being pregnant, nearly two weeks overdue. Finally the contractions got more painful one morning around four am. I wasn't sure I could do anything but my husband ran me a bath and sat with me talking to me and distracting me. We had scheduled to go grocery shopping so... as I labored, he drove me to town and we walked through the store, got two cartfuls of groceries, he got onto me for walking slow, after almost three hours we were finally finished. Went by the bank to pay the mortgage. Drove home. Stopped on the way to pick up our daughter. Put groceries up. I was feeling some pressure at that point and convinced I would have the baby at home. After a couple hours of slowly putting groceries up between contractions, my husband helped me into the car and we were off! Almost an hour long drive to get to the hospital. I got there saying prayers loudly through the emergency room. My doctor was there saying I was seven centimeters and that his shift was ending. I told him to get back in there to catch the baby now. Haha it hurt. I could feel hard pressure on my hip bones tail bones lower back everything. Well I had the baby a couple hours later at six pm. Healthy boy 8 lbs 12.5 oz.