Thoughts? Super excited!

I'm sharing this with y'all cause  I want opinions of your experience :) Anyways! We've been TTC for 4mo and before that I was on the pill. The first 2 months of being off the pill I had symptoms of pregnancy but I knew it was just my body ovulating and the hormones washing out. Well I've done TONS of research and this past month (I ovulated around the 1st) things feel different 😱 I initially ignored many of my symptoms because I didn't want to make every twinge fit into possibly conceiving. Well, my husband said I needed to listen to my body etc and ladies, let me just say it's been hard not to get excited! I had spotting which was unmistakably implantation bleeding (I compared to pictures and many recourses), I had serious cramping all out of no where last week, migraines (which I've never had in my life) lol, food aversions that were not "pre-thought-out". Then I started craving dark chocolate which those who know me know I prefer salty food over sugar. I don't like candy or chocolate but the past two days it's all I've wanted to eat.  Moments of nausea, and lastly this past week about 3-4 days ago I was *extreamly* fatigued. I napped almost the entire day it was rediculous. No amount of rest gave me supple energy, it was just as if my body was on shut down and all my energy was gone. (No, I'm not catching anything either). Oh! And my CM has changed! It was EW and all that jazz during ovulation, but then I went dry and my CM is (super weird I'm sorry if it's TMI) but like snot? Every time I check.. so! I have to wait about 4 more days before o can test BUT, I am really excited because nothing else would fit it other than pregnancy. 😆😊😁 praying. Please tell me your early signs of pregnancy and I'll let you know when I test what I get! Thank you!!!💕