losing hope

Hi everyone I'm new here. So yea...I'm lost and confused and not sure if I should keep on with this journey, go back to my RE or begin the adoption process. After my partner and I been trying since 2010, we found out in 2013 I had blocked tubes. We met with an RE and began <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> at that time. Then our first FET in Feb 2014 failed. Second FET painfully ended in stillbirth due to incompetent cervix in July 2014. We really thought that pregnancy was going to work out until the ob/gyn utterered those words. Devastated. We buried our son.
Got pregnant last February and was hopeful and excited thinking this will be our rainbow baby, but painfully we lost to miscarriage March 2016. So here we are, new year, 2017. Still nothing. Doubting my future, frustrated with my body. Thank you for listening to me vent.