Sometimes I feel..... Kinda long

Stephanie • Mom of a 2yo & 5 angels.
Sometimes I feel like I have 2 kids already here. I have a 1 years old 13w1d pregnant and a husband. I feel like my husband wants me to do EVERYTHING for him, and HIS dog.... AND take care of the house the bills and our daughter by myself. He works off 14 days at a time (he works for Nabors Drilling) and he's home 14 days at a time. But I still do EVERYTHING by myself and if I say anything about him helping or taking his Great Dane out he bitches. He will say "you're a stay at home mom this is your job" I will look at him and say "I didn't want that damn dog in the first place and since you're home with nothing to do you could help me and let me take a break! I am 13 weeks pregnant with OUR second baby" I understand he is tired when he comes in but I dont ask much. Just for him to take care of his dog and maybe take the trash out. Our change Amelias diaper while I use the restroom or try to take a bath.... I cried the other night because it was 2 o'clock in the morning and his Great Dane wanted out, so I asked my husband to take him out I told him no I have yet to be asleep (because I was up with our daughter and was ready for bed. He went to be at 7pm) well his dog ended up peeing and pooping on the floor by the time I went in there after we was finished arguing and he called me lazy.... I cried and cried and cried... Then my husband finally came in the living room and cleaned it all up.... I dunno what to do.... I know being a stay at home mom is my job but he expects me to be everything by myself and at times you need help or you'll go crazy!!!