a letter to my baby 🙏🏼❤️

Since I've known about you- my life has changed for the better, in ways I never imagined. You've made a huge positive impact on my life. My days are different. I pay attention to how I treat my body and respect it like never before. I've become more mindful about what I eat- even if that means savoring an entire chocolate bar, or just really (really!) enjoying my Poptart. I drink more water than I thought possible. I am in bed early reading most nights-or watching something awful on Netflix. I've tried to get to yoga classes more-even when the couch seems to suck me in (which happens quite often these days). At yoga I've gained a new sense of calm and appreciation for my practice. As my clothes continue to betray me and dig into my ever expanding stomach- I have found a new self confidence that was never present before. I feel strong & capable. Body image has always been a work in progress for me- and you've helped me let go more than ever. I've always been a worrier and held on to anxiety tight- but I've been able to relax and let more peace in. I've let go of extreme doubts regarding my future and where I think I should be at in this stage of life - and instead have tried to focus on each day as it comes. 
Everyday isn't perfect or easy by any means. I know I've had a smooth pregnancy thus far- and am so grateful that I have been able to enjoy this time without having any major setbacks. I know once you arrive the real challenges begin. I know the sleepless nights are just around the corner - and that this huge change is looming. I know it won't always be sunshine and smiles. 
Regardless- right now, I just want to say thank you. ☮️💛🙏🏼