"OMG your boobs are huge! Are you pregnant?!"

Geraldine • Mum to be! Rainbow baby 🌈
Never would I have thought that seeing a pregnant woman would make me somewhat jealous and think "it could have been me. It WAS me". 
Never would I have thought that someone saying I've put on weight had a completely new emotion that went along with it. My baby made me put on weight and it's no longer there. 
Never would I have thought that finally stepping out of my house and going for a friends wedding would have been a bad idea. My friend saw me and said, "omg your boobs are huge!!! Are you pregnant?!!", while she pokes my tummy. 
If only she knew... IF ONLY SHE KNEW 😞
When does it stop hurting? 
When do you heal? 
When do you find peace within yourself?
When you want the pregnancy, it goes away. Some people don't want theirs and get to keep it till term. 
Life is unfair. 
Miscarriage is unfair.
My heart is broken into a million pieces 💔