need a good rant😂

Okay I'm 17 and pregnant with my second baby, I still live with my mum although I get benefits for looking after my daughter which keeps her, buys her food clothes etc. I don't go out ever (nights out or with friends) anywhere I do go my daughter is with me. I had he when I was 15 years old I met her dad when I was 14 he was emotionaly abusive and physically abusive it was a very hard time especially being pregnant to him and going through all that and a young age. My daughter was also born 9 weeks early due to stress of my brother in law being murdered as we were very close. I suffered really badly with postnatal depression had to see a psychologist and also left school without any GCSEs cause I just couldn't cope with it all if I'm honest! In my new relationship (2nd babies dad) he is supportive and treats my daughter like his own. I'm sick of seeing things about mums who claim benefits for their kids because they're "lazy" or "bad parents" and I don't mean on this I mean on the likes of Facebook. Although I left school haven't a lot to show for it I don't like using my past as an excuse but I do try my best I started a level 2 health and social care course in September and go to placement in a care home one day a week. I've also been offered a job in the care home already they just couldn't take me on until I turn 18 in may as I can't do personal care yet! I'm slowly but surely getting there having this baby in July and plan to be qualified in may/June. I guess I'm trying to say before you judge someone else's life think of how they might feelÂ