Before and After NICU pics!


Before & after NICU pics of our adorable preemie babies. We all know it's difficult to have a preemie and/or a NICU baby but there's nothing better than the day we get to bring our babies home and to see them transition and grow into happy healthy beautiful baby boys & girls. What was your first pic of your baby? And what does your baby look like now?

Kallan was born on 12/11/2016 by emergency c section, I was 37 weeks yet he only weighed in at 4 lbs 8 ozs, he had to have surgery due to a perforation in his bowel that caused it to separate and then be weaned off of the pain medication that was used for the surgery. They projected that he would spend at least 2 months in the hospital if not more he was on C-PAP, IV nutrition, lipids, an NG tube. After the surgery they didn't feed him for over a week then we had to slowly begin feedings starting at 5 mls every 3 hours and slowly increasing by 5 mls a day until he got to 50. Once at 50 he was switched to ad-lib on demand and was able to feed anytime he wanted whenever he wanted. We quickly found out that we had to limit him because he would over eat to the point of throwing up (sometimes full feeds) and we also found out he had reflux. All we needed was for him to gain weight in order to come home and finally on 1/2/17 (the day after his due date) my baby boy Kallan made the weight 4lbs & 12 ozs and was finally discharged. He's been home for 2 weeks now and it has been great! He's been to the Dr 3 times and each time he's gained weight. 3 days after leaving the hospital he weighed in at 5 lbs 8 ozs, and a week later he weighed in at 5 lbs 12 ozs, the next day he weighed in at 6 lbs even. He's alert, attentive, has began tracking, recognizes faces and so much more. I am so in love and so proud of my lil man who ever would have thought that he would progress so quickly.

What's your NICU before & after story?