hes here after 18 hours of labor

I woke up to fluid leaking yesterday at 4pm maybe just a couple tablespoons went in to make sure it wasn't amniotic fluid since I'm group b strep positive and they'd have to start me on antibiotics. We'll turns out it was amniotic fluid and they had to induce me! Went to 9.5 centimeters without drugs! Then I got stuck at 9.5 for a couple hours and the midwife said the baby was in a weird position and she was going to attempt to turn him and wouldn't recommend doing this without am epidural! So I said i don't care get this baby out of me! I was doing all these contractions and getting nowhere! So I get the epidural rest for a while and then I start pushing and the baby turns on his own of course! Got a 2 degree tear. No regrets on the epidural! Also I was a hypnobirthing momma it really got me through some tough times!