pregnant :)!

I haven't shared this with many people yet because we're waiting until the 12 week mark, but I'm having lots of confusion as to how far along I am. I have a dr apptmt this week but it's not an official ultrasound where they will be telling me how far along. It's just the first ten week apptmt about an hour they said? What can I be expecting at this visit? I had some issues so went in early and got an in room ultra sound done and the baby is there and we saw the heart beat. I'm not too worried about miscarrying but I'm still cautious about it till the 12 weeks, but also that's hard since I don't actually know how far I am. They say 10 weeks from the first day of last period (Nov 7th, 2016)... but conception day would've been November 20-25 or so. So does that means I'm actually 8 weeks? Please help me out ladies, first pregnancy. Anything will help except for negative comments ... thank you.