No heartbeat and miscarriage?

I went to the ER last night because I'm pregnant and I started bleeding and cramping two days prior and I was worried. They gave me a blood test and a vaginal ultrasound. Then I sat and waited two hours for them to tell me I'm seven weeks pregnant and there is no heartbeat. The baby was still there. I was devistated. Then she left and came back and said I was measuring a little over 5 weeks. I thought you can't see the heartbeat at 5 weeks(unless your lucky). She basically told me to expect a miscarriage. She sent me a recommendation to an OB. He called me this morning to make the oppointment and he said that he thinks I'm a little over 5 weeks like the ER doctor said but he said it's normal not to see the heartbeat at 5 weeks(which is what I told the ER doctor). My hcg levels were at 3000 at the ER. He said bleeding and cramping are normal but I could still be having a miscarriage. He basically told me there's still hope. So I have an appointment on Friday to see if I had a miscarriage or if I'm having one or to see if things are progressing normally. They are going to see if my levels are going up or down. Still cramping and bleeding though which dosent give me much hope. Has anyone had an experience like this and there baby was fine? I just don't know what to think.