I need some outsider opinions!

Hi everyone! I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this. If it's the wrong place I'm really sorry! Thanks in advance for reading and an even bigger thanks in advance for your input! Please comment!!!

I am dating this guy (9 months now, nearly 10)

And while back when we first started seeing each other (closer to a year ago because we didn't start dating right away) I had a jealous moment. And I will admit that I really didn't have a right to be jealous as he was not my boyfriend at that time. I'll just tell you briefly that after the second date there was one time I was texting him and he was telling me that it was tough trying to get to know different women at the same time. He was going on dates with these 2 other girls. But again we weren't technically together so I shouldn't have been mad or jealous but I was. And instead of acting overly crazy I was like I'm just going to talk to him and tell him about how I feel. So I did. I said I was jealous and wish I could take more of his time because I was into him. And he was happy I told him. He cut them off the same day and has since given me his full attention. Plus he liked the fact that I cared enough to talk to him like a normal person as oppose to being catty.

Anyways so fast forward to now!

He has a female friend in his circle of friends who is 15 weeks pregnant from a one night stand at a bar. And now she has a ton of appointments that she has to go to. But she has no car. No job (so she can't take the bus). And her baby daddy is a bum who deals various substances.

She has been hounding my boyfriend for nearly 3 weeks now asking him to drive half an hour to come get her take her to the doctors then take her back, use his car to take her shopping for stuff for the baby.

And he keeps telling her no he can't (he is not her only friend by the way and she has parents who live under the same roof as her!!!) He told her to next time screw someone with a car and a job.

But she texts him every single day asking for favours, or just to talk about how excited she is for this baby and such. I'm getting annoyed. I really want to tell her to fuck off. He will check his phone and have 5 new messages from her within an hour. It's getting annoying.

What should we do? Am I wrong for being annoyed by this?! How would you handle this?