Feeling discouraged...

Three days ago I was dilated and my midwife did a stretch and sweep. I lost my mucus plug and had my bloody show shortly after as well as cramping and back pain. Then nothing. Now today she tried to perform another membrane sweep and she couldn't even do it because my cervix was sealed shut. I feel so discouraged, I feel like I've gone backwards in progress. The OB at the hospital was wanting to induce me this week at 40 weeks if I was still pregnant because of the size of the baby (98th percentile and measuring 9+ pounds at 37 weeks) but I talked them into letting me go until I'm 41 1/2 weeks and induce then if I haven't gone naturally because I am wanting a home birth and am wanting to avoid hospital at all costs. Now learning that I've gone backwards in progress it seems, and being almost 40 weeks and no signs of labour I feel like giving up and just having an induction this week instead of at 41 1/2 😔 anyone else go into labour soon after they were checked without any dilation? I am feeling very discouraged at this point that I'll go into labor in the next week.