MIL...oh the MIL

It's so sad seeing so many women that utterly HATE their MIL.

I'm just so greatful, for my MIL and FIL are wonderful. And the rest of my fiance's family is wonderful as well.

I have to beg them to come around because they think "they bother us" and "trow off our schedule "

My 13 weeks old daughter, loves them to death.

They never go over our opinions and how we chose to do things. They respect our schedule and how we do things when we drop her off at their place. They feed her, play with her, put her down for naps, exactly how we do it at home.

They take us out to dinner once a month. My MIL cooks really well. My mom, dad and sis get along with them and everyone is like a big happy family.

In my PERSONAL OPINION, I would never stay with a man, and make a life with him, if he's family was not respectful of me, us, and did not respect the way we do everything. Regardless of how much I loved the guy, FAMILY is a very important thing to me. A happy family is EVERYTHING. And when u get to the bug day of "meeting the parents" if they are crappy, that's the end for me. Now again, that's my personal opinion on the matter. No need to get offended and tell me how '" I'm not gonna break up with the live of my life because of his mother". That's something that u choose to do.

I've done the whole "my BFS patents hate me thing" in the past with previous relationships, and they all ended BECAUSE I need a happy, respectful, drama free life and in my PERSONAL OPINION, if ur BFS parents suck ass, that won't change much in the future.