We've been ttc for our second child for over a year!


Me and my husband have been trying to convince for over a year now and unfortunately haven't got our 2nd baby yet. We do already have one child. He will be 3 in May. A little back story..... In may of 2014 I had the Mirena IUD put it I had it in for only about 6 months. I kept getting cyst and was in pain for the whole 6 months that I had it in so I had it removed. After that I had no birth control due to the fear of hurting again. Sense I had the IUD out I've suffered from Ovarian cyst. I get 1 atleast every 2-3 months. I have seen several doctors whom tell me that cyst are normal and there is no concern with it so I just gave up in finding any other answers. I do however blame the IUD because of it. My period went back to normal (28 day cycle every month). Around may 2015 my periods became different. I would go from having a 28 day cycle to a 29, 30,26,27 day cycle for about 5 months. Now sense October of 2015 I have had 18 day cycles to a 16 day cycle. Which is completely abnormal for me because I have had a 28 day cycle every single month of periods sense I was 12. Me and my husband have a very healthy sex life. I'm just so heart broken that I may not ever be able to give my son the sibling that he deserves. My question for everyone is if you had problems with infertility and was able to do something or change something to get pregnant can you please give me some advice.

I also want to ask everyone to please keep any rude comments to yourselves. Any advice is welcome. Feel free to ask any questions. I'm willing to be as open as I can. I really want to have another baby but I'm starting to lose hope. Thanks for any advice in advance!