Lincoln Samuel is finally here!

Went in at 6am on 1/16 to be induced. Baby boy came at 3:26 am on 1/17. 6lbs 12.6 oz, 20 inches long. Head full of dark hair! He was so alert after birth just taking everything and everyone in. He also is a very good eater, no problems latching at all. I love him so much.
Everything went very well for the delivery. I apparently had two water bags. So when one broke we thought things would progress faster, they then realized their was another and babies head was being held up by it, so they were hesitant on breaking it because then he could get a prolapsed cord. But once I was not progressing any further and everything else was tried, they decided to break it on a contraction. Everything went well, no prolapsed cord. An hour later I had the urge to poop, so the nurse checked and it was time to push. Baby boy was out in about 20 minutes tops. Pretty sure it wasn't even that long. Also found out I had a small placenta, and when checking my uterus after it was shifted to the right side, so at first they thought I was hemorrhaging but then they realized what was going on, so it's back to where it's supposed to be now lol. They just kept saying how rare it was that I had two bags and a small placenta and my baby was so healthy. When it comes to rare things, it usually happens to me haha. 
He does have some jaundice so he is under the lights until later today, but we should be going home by the afternoon! I can't wait to start this new chapter in life. 
His brother is already in love with him also. He can't wait to bring him home.