Help!!!! (sorry its long)

Hey everyone i an 19 turning 20 soon and i just have to vent and i need some advice. For starters i am in my second year of college and i am a biology major, later planning to attend a school to become a PA. And ive currently been through some struggles. My father wasn't very present in my life and he is supposed to pay for my education due to the fact that my mother has a 3 and 10 year olds at home and i am his only child. But he refused to pay this semester and i had to stop going due to the bill. Ive finally accepted it but it still haunts me at times, that my dream may not be coming true and ive tried everything and nothing worked. Now ive been in a on and off relationship with this boy since i was 15 and i love him soo soo much now we both have cheated and i stopped for 2 years now because i knew it was wrong and i was just belittling myself as a woman by doing it. In this fall semester i found out he was talking to 2 other girls as well as me. And i ended things. I moved on with someone else and i was soo happy😍this new boy was incredible. In November i was told i have chlamydia and i told the new boy cause he was helping me through everything and he just disappeared on me and it hurt a lot and i told the ex. Ive decided that no one else wanted me so i went back to the ex and we were doing good for a moment founded he was having a baby with one of the girls and I accepted that. A month later i found out that him and his baby mom were still talking to each other on what seemed like a romantic relationship to me so i told him i cant handle it but i still stay with him sometimes and hang iut with him i tell him we aren't together but he says other wise, i just let him think that. I just feel like stuck like i want to be with him I really do but I deserve much better. I am not the tyle of person to go through phones and all that i just let things come to me but like i just cant let him continue to run over me. I am just lost and confused. And its not the first time things like this happened. I had girls calling and texting me while in class and adding me on social media and at one point snapping on me for no reason. I just dont know. I was told i forgive people a lot. Maybe thats the problem.