lazy partners..

Sophie • 25 | Married | Mother Of 2 Boys 💙 | Expecting Baby #3 💙|
my partner is so damn lazy, plays on the xbox more or less all day everyday whilst i'm left to do all the cleaning, feel like i need a little rant because it's getting me mad.. no matter how many times i talk to him about it he takes it the wrong way and it causes an argument and he reckons i don't let him do anything.. another thing that takes the mick is when he spends his money on crap and relys on me to get him tobacco or pay for his bus fares if he needs to go places.. he doesn't work so there's really no excuse.. just makes me so angry.. i'm nearly 5 weeks pregnant and he's always telling me to take it easy but how am i supposed to take it easy when i'm left to do everything around the house 😡