What was your SO's first comment about OUR future?

I was talking with my boyfriend at breakfast yesterday and we somehow got on the topic of future homes, and I brought up again how I want a little covertible greenhouse to grow my own lettuces and tomatoes etc. and I want enough room that I can have some chickens for eggs. 
And he was like "and a pig so I can make prosciutto." Which was the first time he'd mentioned something that suggested that my future house would be his future house 💕 
I told him that if we have a pig he can't eat it (I'm vegetarian) but still. We kept talking about how it would be awesome to buy a little chunk of land and build tiny home on it at first, and add on over time (we're both architects).
Anyway it got me curious, what was the first comment your SO made that suggested they imagined you guys together long term?