
My name is Daphne and I'm 30 y/o. I have posted here once in the past and here is some background - my husband and I are trying to have our first baby but a few years back I've been told I have PCOS, so while we wait for our doctor's appt late next month, I have started preparing by taking prenatal vitamins since August and started BBTing since October. 
I've been on birth control for many years to prevent pregnancy and regulate periods which I wasnt getting without the pills. My last period with pills was in early October and then I somehow got a natural period in Nov.
Glow was predicting another period for me 1/9 that didnt show - so now it keeps pushing its start date by 2 days every time I tell it it has't showed. 
In the chart below - is there anything here that resembles or that you'll consider as ovulation? 
The days that are missing a reading are days I was away traveling and didnt want to 'burden' myself with charting while on vacation.
Would appreciate any feedback/insight! 
Thank you
Please note the fertile days window keeps shifting with every day my period doesnt show, so its not necessarily right.