worst part about not telling

The absolute worst thing about being newly pregnant and not telling anyone yet. Can't explain why you are beyond exhausted, nauseous, and can't drink or eat certain things. 
Right now my father is visiting for two weeks from out of state. I've been so bone-weary that my ability to finish my normal chores and duties as a mother of already 3 kids, is really pushing it. Then add on the extra work that goes into having house guests and I'm struggling hardcore to keep my eyes open. 
So he is here acting kind of put out, like I'm being a bad host. I've tried doing my best to be social, cook, and take him places. But the last two days I've mostly just cleaned the house and looked like a zombie. I feel bad for not being a better hostess but I can't function without several hours of sleep right now, not to mention the never ending nausea and headaches. I wish I could just say,"look, I'm sorry i havent been the best hostess but I'm pregnant and completely exhausted and I absolutely have no control over it." 
Rant over 😓