Tell or not?


So, I have a boyfriend. We've been together for 3 months and I knew him before for a year. He's my best friend and he's my first boyfriend. I honestly love my idiot xD. My parents know him. He's been to my house a lot and they like him, they know he's a good guy. I'm sure they suspect our relationship, but I'm scared if I confirm it, my dad will go crazy.

He's Mexican (my bf), and I'm Dominican. (1) My father is really ignorant towards race... (2) He's incredibly over protective. Like seriously. He'll get angry with me and punish me for going to the library... He's starting to give me some freedom, at age 15. He lets me go to the store now to buy clothes, occasionally... (3) He's literally said he'll kill any boy that tries to date his daughters, dunno if he's joking, but he has an electric saw on our dining table. (4) My dad is bipolar, he'll be fine this moment. Next moment, he's yelling at you for using his screwdriver. (5) My dad is crazy. (6) I love my boyfriend and don't want my dad to not like him. I want them to continue getting along. And honestly, it hurts that I can't tell my dad, cuz I want him to know. I wanted him to be the first to know. But, he's horrifying... And, he's unpredictable, which is the worst part... My step mom already pretty much knows, but I haven't acknowledged it.

My actual mom knows, she's cool with him. She knows him. But my dad dislikes my biological mother... She has no say in my life.