Wandfo evap lines when taking a shower heads up!

So this has happened to me twice. I have had luck in the past with these tests showinng early bfps (all within the time frame) that unfortunately ended up being chemical pregnancies, but just a heads up, ladies; if you leave your seemingly negative tests on the counter while taking a shower, the condensation from a steamy shower can make evap lines appear that look like faint positives. This has happened to me twice already (though the second time was more of an experiment). All the tests below were stark white (except one which I was reaaaaaally hoping was a faint line, but I'm thinking it was just an evap too because it wasn't visible til much later). Anyway, since this made me super excited until they dried and the lines disappeared, I wanted to share in case someone else experiences something similar. Guess there's always next month…😭
Good luck to you all!