officially feeling lonely

I've done so good in this pregnancy. I've been happy, I've deleted loved & wanted.. and boom. It hit me like a freight train Sunday. Today is awful. My SO is ignoring me today too st work which doesn't help. 
It's not he's not giving me attention, he is. Not as much as usual, but he is. We even still have sex daily! 😒 I'm 15 weeks pregnant, and just totally feel lonely. 
Well it's not just in my head I'm lonely. My own SO won't touch me, or kiss me. I can't even get him to hold my hand like normal. We usually hold hands in the car to and from work, we kiss at work, we hug at work, & we cuddle in bed. Nothing last night. He wouldn't even tell me he loved me at all yesterday. Good thing I woke up this morning. 😑