Birth story welcome Noah Anthony Diaz


On Tues Jan 17 I woke up feeling my body not right it just felt weird I don't know how to describe it, the night before I was getting bh contractions but not that strong but to the point i couldn't sleep wound up falling asleep at 4 am then to I woke up at 7 am feeling weird got up used the bathroom the usual get my kids up n ready for school they are big ages 16 (daughter) and two sons ages 14 and 13 my husband left to work n they off to school I kept thinking to myself imagine if I go into labor n I'm all alone here in my apartment well that's exactly what happened around 10 am I started getting strong contractions 1-2 mins apart I kept discharging lots on my pantys and I felt like passing out I got dizzy all of a sudden so I called my husband which works an hour away and then I called my doctor they sent me straight to L&D I took an uber to make it there faster hospital is 30 mins away and when I got there they saw contractions on the monitors 1-2 mins apart the doc checked me below I was 4 cm dilated baby at -2 station 80 percent effaced this was around 12:30 pm husband and my mom comes in an hour later n I was happy the nurse comes in n says u want epidural I said no I'm tolerating through pain the doc comes back n checks me around 2:30 pm I was progressing now at 5-6 cm dilated docs says it best to get ur epidural now I'm gonna break your water around 5 n it's gonna get stronger n the nurse trys convincing also I'm like I feel the pain n cramping but I'm tolerating it how bad can it get mind u I'm good with pain n it's been 13 years since I had my last so it's new again it felt like extremely bad period cramps at the same time my back was in agony so I'm like ok just give me the epidural it's was 5 o'clock and doc checks me n says your still the same let's break your water and she breaks it gush I had water everywhere so much of it, after an hour that's when the contractions got more intense doc comes in around 7:30 pm checks me again n to my surprise I didn't progressed I'm still 5-6 cm baby heart rate started to drop with every contractions n then she tells me the dreading words if baby heart rate keeps dropping we need to schedule emergency c-section doc leaves and me mom and hubby starts to pray as we are praying I'm crying n worrying at the same time I said while praying plse God let this be a normal delivery plse let the baby's heart be Back to normal in your name he's in your hands then around 10 pm I start feeling the contractions stronger epidural wears off I'm feeling pressure down below I called the nurse she tells me doc went to another hospital but she decides to check me she tells me I'm now 8 cm dilated baby is at -1 station n heart Rate is great around 12:30 am I feel the urge to push I'm like where is my doctor nurse runs in n tells me we calling the doctor now she checks me n says your now 9 cm dilated baby is at 0 station doc comes in around 1 am n checks me n says ok Janet your now 10 cm is time to push they start prepping the room n the doc tells me with each contraction I want u to push but only when u feel a contraction my contractions were spaced apart for some reason at the time 4 mins apart I start to put n it takes me time because the contractions were apart n when I would feel it I pushed my hubby in holding one of my leg n mom n nurse the other they are like omg baby is right there full of hair they bring the mirror down above me n it gives me more motivation to put it see his head n pushed some more n his head pops out doc says hold on Janet don't push now ambilicle cord is wrapped around his head twice they begin cutting it n then doc says now push n boom whole body out

Gladly introducing Noah Anthony Diaz 7lbs 15 oz born at 1:51 am 19 and 1/2 inches long at 39 weeks exactly January 18,2017 completely healthy Thank u my God for my beautiful blessing ❤🙌