Too early -- I'm only 6dpo

I need Faith 😞 
A little background about me: 
My husband and I have been trying for 15 years now. I'll be 40 this month on the 23. And every year for my birthday I have wish for a baby... and 15 years later I'm still wishing the same thing. It breaks my heart knowing it's probably not in the cards for me. We have tried everything-- spent so much money and. Nothing has changed. Every month I break down and my husband sits by me to wipe away my tears. I thank god for him. We met back in 8th grade and right there and then, I knew I was going to marry this guy. In college we did the whole long distance for 5 years. I went to San Diego state and he went to Purdue in Indiana. As of today, our love still grows--
Anyways, like I said... I need Faith because I'm losing hope. My heart is broken. 

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