
I just really need to put this somewhere because I've been really upset about it.. so my back started hurting then got really bad but my nana worked out the knot in it.. but it was still hurting and I started to realize my stomach hurting so my nana thought I had a kidney infection and I started drinking a lot more water and cranberry juice.. but the next day it felt worse.. it hurts so bad I feel like I can't take it I went to the doctor and they took some samples to test and I'm waiting on results but they gave me an antibiotic just in case because it will help if it's a kidney infection.. I'm in so much pain I feel like I can't eat.. but I have to for my baby since I'm breastfeeding.. but it's starting to make me feel worried I won't eat enough and my milk will stop producing and I really don't want that to happen.. and I feel so depressed because I can barely do anything with her because I hurt so bad.. ugh.. idk I just had to share this somewhere..