Can't believe this is happening...

This is actually scary to me. I don't care about Trump being the next President tomorrow, but others do and how they're going about it is just wrong... 
My sisters boyfriends dad is a cop, and was told that there have been emails received of threats to bomb schools all throughout Miami and Davie. There have been warnings about upcoming riots and attacks to oppose trump, so the police are on patrol almost everywhere to make sure things don't get out of hand. 
I don't know if these bombings and attacks will for certain happen, but this isn't just something I can just push aside. I'm seriously scared for a few of my friends who are open about supporting trump. I don't want them being attacked for their political views, that's just horrible. I've texted so many of my friends to be careful, and some of them had the nerve to say to me "Trump supporters deserve whatever happens to them". Jesus Christ, grow up. 
People are threatening to bomb schools and kill trump supporters, and you're saying they deserve it? Because they don't. 
I'm going anon because I feel so embarrassed being so scared. I can't believe people want to do this, or even threaten to do these kinds of things.... If you live near within or near Miami or Davie, then please be careful and make sure you and your family are safe.