help!!! hcg levels rising but doctors not giving due date or anything!!

Anna • Married. 07|09|16💜 Mama. 12|06|16👼🏼 08|31|17💙🌈 10|12|18👼🏼 10|01|19 🌈👶🏼 💕 Expecting 06|24|23💙
On 01/10/17 my hcg level was 30.9 and yesterday it was 1,600. The OB told me to make a follow up appointment for 8 weeks from now, however never gave me a due date or anything. They weren't very helpful!! Can someone help me figure out how far along I am Atleast.. 
I miscarried on 12/06/2016 and had a negative pregnancy test after that (in between the previous pregnancy and the current)
The test below was today