Migraines & just living!!

Any Migraine sufferers?? How do you do it? I truly am just TIRED,FRUSTRATED,ANNOYED and just Overwhelmed with these migraines!! I have had this since i got on birth control (depo shot) which was 8 years ago i only got it once and that was enough for me.I get it about two times a week I struggle so much because it interferes with all my daily routines I am a mother im in my 20's and dealing with this..thank god a a have a very supportive husband everytime he notices he sends me to the room turns off the lights and will get my ibuprofen and ask if i want him to go get me food or anything else,he watches the kids for me they play watch movies or whatever they want to do..i appreciate that he does and for that reason that whenever i have a migraine i try to ignore it or to just act like im good so he wont notice but he does he tells me its okay its not my fault but i feel like it is..the pain is so strong i am nauseous and throw up i cant even sleep,cant eat,cant stand light or noise and i get super moody even with him if he keeps asking if im okay or need something i feel childish cuz well hes just trying to help but the pain is just too much.. ive been to the dr all they said is u need to drink more water "which i do" i have been on youtube and tried a bunch of remedies and nothing seems to help 😔 sorry for making u read i guess i just needed to vent 😫😖😣