Words of encouragement?πŸ˜”πŸ˜’πŸ™„

Hi ladies so I had a pregnancy of unknown location in Feb last year, nearly a year on today. I had no pain, no bleeding no nothing. I guess I kind off got lucky, I only knew as we couldn't see anything on the scan. My hcg was stuck at about 250. I had a shot of methexotrate (however you spell it lol) they did a scan off my tubes and everything else and everything was clear and healthy! A year on I've had sharp pain from my ovary area. I'm not pregnant but my only question is did anyone have a ectopic or PUL that actully damaged there tubes or other bits without the tubes bursting or anything? I've only been trying since September but the alarm bells started ringing for doctors when I went yesterday, they've referred me straight to the obgyn and I'm waiting on an appointment. Anyone had any experience? ALSO the Pregnancy of unknown location happened on my first month of trying? Thanku xxxx