My bf and I are still in a fresh relationship, barely going on two months and talked for about 2-3 months prior. We're 18 in somewhat of an ldr and both in college. I am a very understanding gf or atleast I would like to think I am. I need someone's opinion on if I'm being crazy and expecting too much and please be extremely honest. I just feel like I haven't been getting the attention I need lately. I understand when he's busy with school, hanging out with friends, and playing video games. School because it's freaken school! Of corse I'm going to let him do whatever he needs for school, friends?!?! I'll always let him hangout with friends and do video games because they were in his life way before I was but the problem I'm having is the lack of attention I've been receiving. I fee like I've given him a lot of space and have been very understanding but I just don't feel like I receive the same a lot of the time. Over the span of our 4 week winter break he didn't have much to do while staying with family and I have a lot to do when I'm with family. He always wanted my attention and I always tried to give him all my free time in the day if I wasn't with my family or even take a break from my family just to talk to him because I knew he didn't have anything to do. Now that we went back to college this past week we barely talked at all. I get maybe a ten minute talk when he's leaving class to go back to his dorm and then leaves me to go play games. Then I get a call around 7:30 till 8, maybe, then he leaves me for the night to play games with his friend. I don't even get to call him to say goodnight because he says he'll be playing games. I talked to him about how we don't get much time to talk in the day like we did over break and he just says "I'm tired of phone calls, we can just wait till we see each other" (which is maybe once every two weeks) idk if I'm expecting too much at this point 😭😭 things were completely different before and no I don't expect everything to stay perfect like it was before forever but I just didn't believe it'd die out this soon. Can anyone put their input on my situation? Thank you ladies.