He's here!!!!!

Thanking God that he is here safe and healthy. On Wednesday I had a bad back ache so I came home from work early to lie down and put a hot pack on my back. A couple hours later, my husband got home from work and came up to see me. I was feeling okay so we got up to go get some dinner. As soon as I stood up, I felt a warm gush and excitedly told my husband that I was pretty sure my water had just broken...then I looked down and all I saw was red. I immediately started crying and freaking out. I had NEVER been SO SCARED in my entire life. Blood continued gushing out and my husband called 911 and my OB. A few minutes later we were in an ambulance on our way to the birthing center. Once I got here, they monitored the baby's heart rate right away and confirmed that my water had broken. 
Since everything was okay with baby's heart rate, they continued to monitor and did blood work to make sure there wasn't anything else going on due to all the bleeding. To my delight, I was already 3 cm dialated! It took another 9 hours of contractions, only 2 of which were really tough, then I started pushing which lasted for 20 minutes and met my sweet baby boy!!! Baby George is the most perfect, beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on. Becoming a mother is the best thing I have ever done in my life. Wishing all of you mamas a healthy remainder of your pregnancy (you're almost there!!!!)!