Confused (tmi?) Need advice

So my periods are insane. Like, American Psycho insane, except with more blood. Long story short, past 2 months I have had strangely "normal" periods, which is usually the preceding event before I get pregnant. (3 healthy little ones, no birth control). So I had what seemed like a very normal period December 28-January 3rd. Logged that hubby and I had "relations" on the 3rd and 4th of January, 15th, and a sprinkling of "relations" that I neglected to log. Okay, so, on the 9th I had mysterious spotting, light pink, only noticed it wiping, maybe twice that day. As of yesterday I have had my suspicious 3 symptoms: tired, nauseous, boobs hurt. So, do I test? If so, when? This is so early, is it all in my head? Was the spotting implantation? Was my period even a period? Has anyone had experience with anything like this?---also, according to Glow, my next period isn't due til February 13th, but due to my cycle being so unpredictable most of the time, it is often wrong.