Came in for a regular check up and ended up getting a C-section.

Came in for a regular check up and ended up getting a C-section. Went in for a regular check up turns out my doctor couldn't see me and the time so ended up seeing someone else. I told them that I was having sharp stabbing pains down below the tummy. They wheeled me off to ob side of the hospital and did a pelvic exam. And felt a hand instead of the head. They did an ultrasound to confirm. Then wheeled me off to surgery. As they where taking him out, he had the cord warped around one arm and around his neck. Afterwards the doctor told me it was a good thing that I came in because if would have gone into labor that most likely would have ended with no baby at all. So if you don't feel right lady's make sure to go in and get checked it could mean between life and death not only for baby but u as well. We named him George David Bernard. He was 9 pounds and 11oz. 21 inches long. And is doing great. 😊