
My doctor finally picked a date today for me to have a c section. I made the decision to only tell a handful of people because I don't want a lot of people showing up at the hospital. My mom thinks I'm crazy because I "should want to show off my baby as much as possible". All I can think about is how miserable I was while I was in the hospital with my daughter because I had so many visitors. I just want to spend time with MY child, and I only want 2-3 family members and my best friend there (the dad is not in the picture) and my mom keeps giving me a guilt trip about it. I've told her over and over why I don't want people there. (Not to mention that RSV is going around like crazy so the more I can limit my baby's contact with people, the better.) I want to wait until the night I have him to even put it on Facebook in the hopes that people will at least wait until the next afternoon to come, and even then I'm going to ask people to not come see us if they have any kind of sickness or have been around anyone sick. Am I being too overprotective and crazy? I really just want close family and my 1-2 friends there but EVERYONE decides they want to be family when a new baby is here. I'm stressing out about it majorly.  
Update: after being so stressed over having visitors, when I got to the hospital I was advised that due to the flu being so wide spread that only significant others, grandparents, and siblings can visit. I stressed out for nothing!