Today I had surgery to remove a piece of my IUD

My ParaGard was almost 9 years old.  Each yearly checkup, I'd have the doctor check my IUD to ensure it was sitting right and everything looked normal.  Last month I had kidney stones and while diagnosing me with them, my doctor said she thought my IUD was sitting a little low from what she saw on my scans.  We agreed to take it out since I'm not worried about getting pregnant right now.  My doc, who's normally very good about talking and explaining what she's doing each step of the way suddenly went very quiet after she said to expect some cramping/she had the clamp on the strings.  I asked if it was out, because I thought I felt it go, but when I looked around my legs, the IUD was not "T" shaped.  "Isn't there supposed to be another side to that???" I asked.  In response, she said "I'm going to try something."  Not reassuring words and I laid there trying to not panic on the table while she tried to root around my cervix (not comfortable).  I then got rushed to have a CT done (I had to go for confirmation of the kidney stones anyway, but the IUD pushed me to the top) where it was found to have been pushed inside my uterus when she was trying to locate it.  Last week I went to see the OBGYN, who attempted to manually find and take out the piece using an ultrasound to locate it...which was painful and unsuccessful.  That confirmed/led to my surgery today.  
They "think" they got it out.  They never got eyes on it, so they assumed it was suctioned out when they were flushing my uterus.  Scans didn't show it in me afterwards, so I *should* be good now.
My IUD did its job for many years.  I was a huge supporter of them, still am, but I won't get another after this. My reproductive health was put in jeopardy and it scared the hell out of me.