Overbearing mother in law

I'm about at my wits end. Mother in law and I have always been close since my husband and I have been together. We did everything together and she even went to my prenatal appointments. Now, I cannot stand her. She's always overbearing and telling me how to do things. Wil not give me back my baby to settle her down when she's over. I had to get mean with her the other day because she wouldn't give her back. She would be like oh I got it. I'm sorry but when a mother asks for her child back give her back. She came over and dilberately woke her up out of her play pen while I was in the bedroom, and was all like she must have an upset stomach she's drawing her legs up and crying hard. No, she's pissed off cause you woke her up. She's always getting in her face and overstimuating  her when I keep telling her she's getting ready for her nap. I asked her to go with me to get her shots because my husband had to work and oh my gosh I should have just went by myself. It was a nightmare, and family is in so they were wanting to see her after her shots and I told my mother in law no were going home afterwards because she will most likely be tired, and when I pulled up to drop her off she was already pulling her out of the car seat. I was livid. I spoke to my husband about it but he just says oh don't worry about it. They of course live like 4 houses from us so she knows when we're home. My father in law knows not to overstep. He comes and sees her, but doesn't stay too too long. I'm just having a rough time with her. I don't have many friends at all to vent to...so I thought I'd vent here. Hope y'all don't mind! I want my family to be a part of her life, but I can't get my dad not to smoke for I dunno an hour or so when we come to visit. He lives an hour away, and he doesn't come to see us.He did his job as he said after I graduated. I didn't have the best of childhoods with parents who were always fighting. Resentful towards the girls(I'm a twin) We got blamed for everything like everything that possible went wrong in the household. I have two older brothers too. We were always yelled at for being sick. Always yelled at for anything! We weren't allowed to do any school activities because that would cost money even though both my parents worked they made good money. I am trying my best not to become the way my mother treated my sister and I. She acted like she hated us. We were always to blame for everything. We couldn't do anything right. She sat us down when we were 11 years old and accused us of sleeping around. Hello! 11 years old we just playing video games and going walking with our friends. She got pregnant at 13 and then decided to run out on all of her kids when we were 13, and doesn't bother to call or text. My older brother has a son and I hear my dad in his voice and mannerism towards him. I do not want that to happen. And I realize this has gone way out there, but hey it's whatever! Thanks for reading, and maybe y'all have some responses.