trouble orgasming 😭 help

Okay so I've been with my boyfriend for over a month now and whenever we have sex it's extremely hard for me to reach an orgasm... he's not small either so he can hit basically any spot but it feels like it's me and I just can't get to it as easily as I used to... I'm only 20 and usually it would be easy and would only take a few minutes. He is by far the best man I've ever been with (we have known each other for years but recently reconnected) and I really do see my life with him even though it's only been a short time. I want to be able to get there with him every time like I used to. I haven't been able to reach on orgasm vaginally since I was with my ex before him and I only came once (the first time) with him. Since then I haven't been able to fully reach it like I used to. I try and get him in the right position and it's like climbing a mountain but you just can't reach the top. 😭 any advice ?