Natural fertility supplements for twins

I know this may sound crazy but I'm totally obsessed with twins. I hope and pray I have my own twins one day. I've been doing a lot of research on natural fertility supplements that one can take to help increase your chances. So far the most popular ones have been Vitex, Maca root,and sweet cassava. They are supposed to naturally help you hyper ovulate. Having twins does not run in my family and I am completely aware that my chances are slim to none. But why not give it a shot? These herbs have so many health benefits so worse case scenario my reproductive organs are healthy lol. According to studies these herbs help women who have PCOs, Endemetriosis, and irregular periods and much more. I myself have had irregular periods for years so I figured it would at least help me in this area. Has anyone taken Maca, Vitex or sweet cassava and has found these successful??